Perseverance Through Change

Jaime has spoken with dozens of leaders about the impact the pandemic has had on their lives as well as changes and tragedies our world has experienced and the affect it has had on the people they lead. The words most commonly used during these conversations were… numb, emotionally paralyzed and overwhelmed. “It’s like the lights went out and they are having a hard time turning them back on, or the lights suddenly went on and it is overwhelming to keep up at an unrealistic pace. In essence…people are burning out.” 

This Keynote is about:
  • What it takes to wake up in the morning feeling empowered.
  • Why having a vision is important to your mental health.
  • How to build and rely on your network. 
This program will feature …

Understanding the impact of rapid change in the world, while only having the ability to facilitate gradual system changes is the struggle of many professionals. This keynote will address professionals to unlock the potential they have inside and create an “out” to Burnout. As a result, they will learn how to turn their passion into their purpose in order to persevere through times of change.

By the end of this keynote, participants will:
  • Identify stressors in a post-pandemic world that lead professionals to burnout. 
  • Identify a model designed to support professionals dealing with stress in their personal and professional lives.
  • Identify strategies to enhance their respective performances.

Discovering the Power within You

What does it take to wake up feeling empowered? It takes truly knowing what you want and she does not just mean for today, Jaime refers to the big picture. ALL of the things…. When you know What you want… you gain focus. It is important to focus on  things that EmPower us every day and leverage on the days, weeks or years that are really tough and we need an “out,” even if that out is only for a few minutes.  This can become your outlet for stress and your driving force for your self care and your potential in life.  It’s that “thing” that will help you wake up in the morning, wanting to take action.  

This Keynote is about:
  • Unlocking ideas you didn’t know you had.
  • Identify “why” it is you want the things you do. 
  • Understanding why having a long term vision is important to your mental health and wellness.
This Program will feature:

An interactive, fun and sometimes deep journey into ideas and potentials that you may not have known you had.  Throughout this program you will have an opportunity to create not only a brainstorming platform but also dive into an idea or goal that you want to accomplish and learn what it takes to take that idea from impossible to “I’m Possible.”

By The End Of This Keynote; Participants will:
  • Have a solid brainstorming platform that they can reference and expand upon.
  • Learn the first steps needed to take any idea and turn it into an achievable goal. 
  • Identified a deeper understanding as to why their goals and ideas are important to them.

Pathfinder: From College to Career

Learning and implementing three of John Maxwell’s strongest principles: Everyone Communicates- Few Connect, Becoming A Person Of Influence, and Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn. Throughout this Keynote audience members will learn the value of getting involved on campus beginning in the first year and how this involvement  will lead them to the career that they are passionate about.

This Keynote is about:
  • Understanding the importance of getting involved in the first year of college.
  • Knowing how to initiate and participate in effective collaborative conversations.
  •  What it takes to stay consistent and how to leverage these tools daily.
The Three C’s:

Our ability to connect is key! People support people that they Know, Like and Trust.


The Power of Knowing Who, What and How. By sharing your thoughts, ideas and expertise and collaborating with others you can shorten the learning curve and take any idea to the next level.


The first person you have to enroll is yourself. What does it take to cross that finish line of success?